OU 10


Contents .pdf

Erzsébet Győrffy: On the Characteristics of Toponymic Communities .pdf

Katalin E. Nagy: Studies onToponymic Knowledge in Hajdú-Bihar County .pdf

Magdolna Nemes: Where do you live? - children talking about their surroundings .pdf

Daiana Felecan-Alina Bugheşiu: Artifex ludi, or On the Game of Naming. Form and Meaning in the Act of Giving Names to Toys .pdf

Väinö Syrjälä: Names in Teenagers' Linguistic Landscapes .pdf

Emilia Aldrin-Linnea Gustafsson: Teenagers' inclusion and exclusion in their everyday onomastic environments .pdf

Veslava Sidaravičienė: Multilingualism and Unofficial Urban Place Names of Vilnius in the Languages of Lithuanian and Polish Youth .pdf

Tatyana Petrovna Sokolova: Naming Examination of Foreign-sounding Urbanonyms .pdf

Ilia Baranov: Who wants to live forever: Survival analysis in names research .pdf

Paula Sjöblom-Ulla Hakala: Toponyms and place heritage as sources of place brand value .pdf

Katalin Reszegi: Mental Aspects of Proper Names .pdf

Lidia Becker: Folk onymic discourses about personal names on the web .pdf

Jaromír Krško-Alena Záborská: Onymic Space versus Social Space .pdf

Angelika Bergien: 'Name and Shame' strategies in a socio-onomastic perspective .pdf

Yolanda Guillermina López Franco: Une enquete socioanthroponymique finiséculaire : la perception des prénoms dans huit communes de l'Hérault, France, en 1995. Une méthodologie toujours en vigueur .pdf

Linnea Gustafsson: Modern Nicknames in Sweden .pdf

Anna Tsepkova: Pragmatic and Motivational Peculiarities of Contemporary Russian Nicknames (case study: Novosibirsk school, college, university contexts) .pdf

Judit Kecskés: Names Moving Across the Borders: Onomastic Tasks Facilitating Social Integration .pdf

Anikó Szilágyi-Kósa: Zur Übersetzung von nomina propria in literarischen Werken. Eine Fallstudie Ungarisch-Deutsch .pdf

Justyna B. Walkowiak: Personal Name Policies in Europe in the Context of Globalization .pdf

Mariann Slíz: The legal deficiency of publishing calendars and the problems caused by calendars and dictionaries of given names based on lay ideas in Hungary .pdf

Lasse Hämäläinen: Level Names in an Online Minigolf Game .pdf

Authors of the Volume

Onomastica Uralica 10.