Kisebb balti-finn nyelvek

Joalaid, Marje: Selected Bibliography of the Onomastics of Ingermanland: Vote, Ingrian, Finnish .doc
Bibliography .doc
General Onomastics .doc
Place Names .doc
Substratum Place Names of Ingermanlands Balto-Finnic Peoples .doc
Personal Names .doc
Other Names .doc
Applied Onomastics .doc

Joalaid, Marje: Selected Bibliography of the Karelian Onomastics .doc
Bibliography .doc
General Onomastics .doc
Place Names .doc
Personal Names .doc
Other Names .doc
Applied Onomastics .doc

Mamontova, N. N.: Karelian Oikonymy: its Status, Problems and Prospects .doc / .pdf
Мамонтова, Н. Н.: Карельская ойконимия: состояние, проблемы, перспективы (Kézirat) .doc / .pdf

Joalaid, Marje–Vaba, Lembit: Selected Bibliography of the Livonian Onomastics .doc
Bibliography .doc
General Onomastics .doc
Place Names .doc
Balto-Finnic Substratum Toponyms in the Territory of Baltic Tribes .doc
Personal Names .doc
Other Names .doc
Applied Onomastics .doc

Joalaid, Marje: Selected Bibliography of the Vepsian Onomastics .doc
Bibliography .doc
General Onomastics .doc
Place Names .doc
Substratum Balto-Finnic Place Names in the Territory of Northern Russia .doc
Personal Names .doc

Mullonen, I. I.: Vepsian Oikonymy .doc / .pdf
Муллонен, И. И.: Вепсская ойконимия (Kézirat) .doc / .pdf