OU 1a & 1b

[Julkaisun tiedot]

/Nide 1a/

Preface .doc
Abbrevations .doc

Balto-Finnic Languages

Estonian /Päll, Peeter/ .doc
Bibliography .doc
General Onomastics .doc
Place Names .doc
Personal Names .doc
Other Names .doc
Applied Onomastics .doc

Finnish /Stenhammar, Eeva-Liisa/ .doc
Bibliography .doc
General Onomastics .doc
Place Names .doc
Personal Names .doc
Other Names .doc
Applied Onomastics .doc

Ingermanland: Vote, Ingrian, Finnish /Joalaid, Marje/ .doc
Bibliography .doc
General Onomastics .doc
Place Names .doc
Substratum Place Names of Ingermanlands Balto-Finnic Peoples .doc
Personal Names .doc
Other Names .doc
Applied Onomastics .doc

Karelian /Joalaid, Marje/ .doc
Bibliography .doc
General Onomastics .doc
Place Names .doc
Personal Names .doc
Other Names .doc
Applied Onomastics .doc

Livonian /Joalaid, Marje–Vaba, Lembit/ .doc
Bibliography .doc
General Onomastics .doc
Place Names .doc
Balto-Finnic Substratum Toponyms in the Territory of Baltic Tribes .doc
Personal Names .doc
Other Names .doc
Applied Onomastics .doc

Vepsian /Joalaid, Marje/ .doc
Bibliography .doc
General Onomastics .doc
Place Names .doc
Substratum Balto-Finnic Place Names in the Territory of Northern Russia .doc
Personal Names .doc

Saamic /Rautio Helander, Kaisa–Kert, G. M./ .doc
Bibliography .doc
General Onomastics .doc
Place Names .doc
Personal Names .doc
Other Names .doc
Applied Onomastics .doc

/Nide 1b/

Volgaic Languages

Mari /Galkin, I. S.–Vorontsova (Terenteve), O. P./ .doc
Bibliography .doc
General Onomastics .doc
Place Names .doc
Personal Names .doc
Applied Onomastics .doc

Mordvinic: Erza and Moksha /Maticsák, Sándor–Kazaeva, Nina/ .doc
Bibliography .doc
Place Names .doc
Personal Names .doc
Other Names .doc

Permic Languages

Komi /Musanov, A. G./ .doc
Bibliography .doc
Place Names .doc
Personal Names .doc
Applied Onomastics .doc

Udmurt /Kirillova, Lyudmilla/ .doc
Bibliography .doc
General Onomastics .doc
Place Names .doc
Personal Names .doc
Other Names .doc

Ugric Languages

Hungarian /Hlavacska, Edit–Tóth, Valéria/ .doc
Bibliography .doc
General Onomastics .doc
Place Names .doc
Personal Names .doc
Other Names .doc
Applied Onomastics .doc

Ob-Ugric Languages .doc

Samoyedic Languages /Szeverényi, Sándor–Wagner-Nagy, Beáta/ .doc

Bibliography .doc
Place Names .doc
Personal Names .doc

Index .doc