OU 13

[Julkaisun tiedot]

Contents .pdf

Karl Hohensinner - Hubert Bergmann: Österreichische Familiennamen kontrastiv .pdf

Tamás Farkas: A Surname Typology Project: The Lessons Learnt from the Distribution of the Most Frequent Hungarian Surnames .pdf

Sabina-Nicoleta Rotenştein: A Typological Approach to the Romanian Surnames .pdf

János N. Fodor: Personal names and ethnicity: The Geolinguistic Research of Historic Personal Names of Hungary .pdf

Laimute Balode: Anthroponymic Nests in Latvian .pdf

Zsuzsanna Fábián: Zusammenhänge zwischen Familiennamen italienischen Ursprungs und Berufsgruppen im Ungarischen und in Ungarn .pdf

Gergana Petkova: Bulgarian Masculine Personal Names Derived From a Roman Cognomen .pdf

Ilga Jansone: Anthroponomical Surprises and Puzzles of the 19th Century vs. Regularities and Traditions .pdf

Johnny Grandjean Gøgsig Jakobsen: Jens Nielsen, son of Niels, son of Jens. Testing the conservatism of patronymic naming traditions in pre-industrial Denmark .pdf

Lars-Jakob Harding Kallerød:A distinctive local usage of middle names in Denmark .pdf

Grasilda Blažienė: Personennamen - Zeugen der Lebensfähigkeit des Volkes .pdf

Renāte Silina-Pinke: Die lettischen Anthroponyme im ersten deutsch-lettischen Wörterbuch (1638) und ihre deutschen Äquivalente .pdf

Alexander Pustyakov: On the personal names of the Mari in the southwest of the Republic of Mari El in the 17th century (based on the census books of the Bol'shoy Karamas Volost of the Galichdoroga of 1678) .pdf

Mariann Slíz: The Translation of Personal Names in Latin, German, and Czech Charters in Medieval Hungary .pdf

Barbara Vitányi: L'importance de l'onomastique des matricules ecclésiastiques au 21e siecle .pdf

Dóra Sitkei: Apotropaic names in different cultures .pdf

Gabriele Rodriguez - Thomas Liebecke: Vornamen im Deutschen als Träger sozialer Informationen. Soziale Informationen in Vornamen erfassen .pdf

Daiva Sinkevičiūtė: Litauische Vornamen naturthematischer Herkunft: Trends des letzten Jahrhunderts .pdf

Tereza Slaměníková : Chinese Anthroponyms from a Grammatologist Perspective .pdf

Masahiko Mutsukawa: Japanese Freshwater Fish Names and Given Names .pdf

Maria Sarhemaa: Motivation for appellativized given names in Finnish and Hungarian slang compounds .pdf

This Michel Fetzer: Appellative Use of First Names in Swiss German: Denominations for Animals, Plants, Parts of the Body, Objects, and Concepts .pdf

Rita Baranauskienė - Ilona Mickienė: Structure of Lithuanian Nicknames .pdf

Authors of the Volume

Onomastica Uralica 13.