Publication ethics

Magyar Nyelvjárások’s ethical standards are based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors developed by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics, Both Authors and Reviewers are requested to follow the ethical standards.

Duties of Authors
Originality and Plagiarism
Authors have to submit original articles. We publish no articles in the journal that have been published before elsewhere, nor do we allow simultaneous publication. We require a statement from authors in advance attesting to the originality and unpublished status of their article. Authors are obliged to provide clear and correct references of all the used souces. All the ideas, research, data, works, publications used in the article submitted to the journal must be properly cited or quoted. Magyar Nyelvjárások does not use plagiarism detection during the editing process but does require from contributors in addition to their statement affirming no prior or simultaneous publication, a signed declaration affirming the originality of authorship, that is, a lack of any plagiarism. Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication
The journal does not allow simultaneous publication.
Studies included in Magyar Nyelvjárások, however, may be republished without authorization by the Editorial Board if full credit is given to Magyar Nyelvjárások as the site of first publication.
Acknowledgement of Sources
Acknowledgements placed in a submitted contribution should comprise all sources of funding.
Authorship must be limited to those who substantially contributed to the conception, design, and execution of the reported research and writing of the submitted text. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. All co-authors share the responsibility for the submitted paper and for the findings reported in it.
Disclosure Process and Conflict of Interest
Authors are obliged to disclose any professional, financial or other relationship that might influence the results or interpretation of their contribution.
Errors in Published Works
Authors have to inform the Editors when they discover an error or an inaccuracy in their submitted or published papers.

Duties of Reviewers
Contribution to editorial decisions
The peer-review process assists both the Editors in their decisions and the authors in improving their papers.
Magyar Nyelvjárások publishes only original, peer-reviewed articles. All submitted articles are subject to “double blind” reviewing minus all personal and institutional identification, which means that the authors do not know who the reviewers are and the reviewers do not know whose submission they have read. Reviewers are invited to assess the manuscripts by the Editorial Board. In order to ensure a double blind review, we request confidentiality from both Editorial Board members and reviewers. Individual reviewers may, however, decide to include their name on their reviewer’s report in order to facilitate professional communication between authors and reviewers. Standards of Objectivity
Reviews of submitted articles have to be objective, i.e. must be focused on the reviewed contribution. The reviwer’s opinions must be clearly supported with arguments.
The Editorial Board and the reviewers treat all information and knowledge gained during the editing/reviewing process as confidential and promise not to use them for their own scholarly endeavors.
Reviewers might ask for changes as a condition to publish a particular manuscript. If significant revisions were requested, the Editors will usually return the manuscript to the original reviewers.

Duties of Editors
Publication Decisions
The acceptance decision for publication of submitted manuscripts in Magyar Nyelvjárások is made by the Editorial Board after the peer-review process. All editorial decisions must be made in a timely manner.
The Editors are responsible for arranging an efficient and unbiased peer review process. The evaluation of the manuscripts must be based solely on their intellectual content.
The Editorial Board involved in the process must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers and other editorial advisors, as appropriate.
Magyar Nyelvjárások guards in its archives the results of the peer-review processes for each article (published or not).
Disclosure Process
Manuscripts rejected by the Editorial Board (in line with the reviewers’ reports) are sent back to the authors by email.
The Editorial Board and the reviewers treat all information and knowledge gained during the editing/reviewing process as confidential and promise not to use them for their own scholarly endeavors.
The Editorial Board commits not to use unpublished materials from submitted articles without the express written consent of the author.
Conflict of Interest
Magyar Nyelvjárások recurs to the same peer-review process for contributions submitted by members of the editorial board.
The primary duty of the editors of Magyar Nyelvjárások is to maintain the highest scientific and ethical standards of the journal.